Child Care

Cedar Valley Kids Child Care

Investing in Kids and Community

Kyle Roed’s path to being part of the child care solution started with his personal experience, when he and his wife were put on waitlists even though she was only a few weeks pregnant with their first child. As a human resources professional, Kyle knew his experience wasn’t unique. He looked at his own company and identified significant turnover in primarily female new hires due to lost daycare or lack of its financial feasibility, even while employed. The losses cost his employer at the time $20,000 a month. 

This is where a community mission to add more affordable and available child care was born and where Cedar Valley Kids Child Care began. To help fill a gap of over 2,000 needed child care spots in the Cedar Valley, Cedar Valley Kids plans to open three child care centers, offering a model that engages committed employers who then offer daycare as an employee benefit. Cedar Valley Kids centers will provide accredited child care to employee families and maintain open slots for families living near the centers.  

As Cedar Valley Kids launched its capital campaign to break ground on its first site at North Crossing in Waterloo, a $100,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa helped the organization take its first step in investing in children and the community. 

“The idea of Cedar Valley Kids is to be a model of offering daycare support as an employer benefit and really thinking about this as a business initiative and a community initiative. It’s really trying to solve the daycare desert issue, but also leveraging the power of our employers, the community, and our government, so we can come together to solve this.”

– Kyle Roed, vice president for global human resources, CPM Roskamp

Our actions to solve the child care crisis in the Cedar Valley:

Dollars Granted in 2021 to Child Care Organizations
Funds Currently Supporting Child Care Projects

Minnie M. Crippen Fund

As a young woman, Minnie Crippen showed great promise as an artist, but the beauty she shared came in the form of care and compassion for children in need. During her 106 years, her generous spirit and persistent commitment helped the children of a then young community of Waterloo. Now, 58 years after her death, Minnie is still making a difference for kids in Black Hawk County. In 2021, over $100,000 in grants from the Minnie M. Crippen Fund supported organizations protecting children and creating child care.

“There is an extreme need for child care. Our project will help hundreds of people. Partners like the Community Foundation help us impact our community at large.”

– Ibrahim Shehata, Islamic Foundation of Iowa, Little Stars Child Care, 2021 Minnie M. Crippen Grant Recipient